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Frequently Asked Questions

How is the daily paper different than the weekly paper?

The Epoch Times OC Daily edition is published five days a week, Monday through Friday. In addition to The Epoch Times’ award-winning coverage on national events, you’ll find traditional, honest coverage on OC local events.

You will continue to enjoy the 56-page weekly edition—it will be delivered to you every Wednesday morning.

If I upgrade to daily, what happens to my current subscription?

We will apply the credit remaining in your current subscription to your new daily subscription plan.

The Epoch Times OC Daily edition is published five days a week, Monday through Friday. In addition to The Epoch Times’ award-winning coverage on national events, you’ll find traditional, honest coverage on OC local events.

You will continue to enjoy the 56-page weekly edition—it will be delivered to you every Wednesday morning.

To avoid interruption of the service, please renew your current subscription. We will apply the credit to your new daily subscription from March 1.

We will apply the credit remaining in your current subscription to your new daily subscription plan.

Home delivery of the daily edition is currently available to residents in Orange County and certain regions in LA County. Click here to check the availability by entering your zip code. We are working on expanding the home delivery services to more regions in Southern California. 

If you don’t live in Orange County, you may still subscribe to our daily edition. We will mail the paper to you by USPS.

We encourage you to subscribe to OC Daily Brief newsletter to stay informed with important national and local events.

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